
Dynamic Table

Dynamic Table that allows you to:
- have certain columns sticky on the left during scrolling
- hide/show certain columns
- search by specific visible columns
- sort by any visible column
- pagination
- customize items per page
- is i18n compatible
- allows to add action buttons
- allows you to add select checkboxes


Items selected: 0


Total Records






  • ps-table

    This component is the main component and everything you need to add in order to get a table into your application.


    data Data Type:
    Array of Objects

    Each Object represents the Data for one row.
    lang Data Type:

    I18n - The current lang of the application - can be a dynamic variable


    columns Data Type:
    Array of Objects.

    Each object represents one Column.
    The Column Object can hold various attributes to customize each column. 



    Data Type: String
    Optional: no

    This value is the unique identifier of the column.
    The key will be used as reference in the i18n_columns to display the column name in the current language.

    If path is not defined, it will also be used to get the value from the equally named attribute in the data object of this row.


    Data Type: Json encoded Array
    Optional: yes

    If Path is defined, the path will be used to get the value from the data object.
    That way, it is possible to get a specific value from a nested data object.
    This is useful data from Supabase containing table joins.


    Data Type: boolean
    Optional: yes

    If this flag is set, the column will be shown by default.
    It is possible for the enduser to hide/show columns as desired.


    Data Type: boolean
    Optional: yes

    One or more columns can be set to true.
    If multiple columns have search_index = true, the row will be shown if the search value is in any of those columns.

    If no column has search_index = true then the search is disabled and will not filter.
    It is possible for the enduser to edit any combination of search columns as desired.


    Data Type: boolean
    Optional: yes

    If set to true, this column will stick to the left side of the table if the table is to wide for the screen and will be scrolled from left to right ( mobile view as example ).

    If another column comes from the right that is also sticky, it will be cover the previous sticky column.


    Data Type: String
    Optional: yes

    This value defines if specific processing should be done to the value before it will be displayed.

    current options are:
    - currency
    currency is adding the currency stated in the attributes to the front of the value.
    No 1000s seperation or rounding will be done.

    - date
    this uses "Format Date" Function and any valid attributes can be passed to it as to the function itself to convert the value to the desired time/date display


    Data Type: object
    Optional: yes

    This provides additional settings in relation to the type of the column.
    See "type" for more details
    i18n_columns Data Type:
    Object of Objects

    The Main Object has attributes for each available language
    Each Language Object contains keys and their respected value for the given language.


    Action This action gets triggered when a action button of one of the rows gets clicked.
    The event contains a customizable type and the full row as an object
    Selected_Items This action gets triggered every time a row is selected or unselected.
    The event contains an array of objects where every object represents one selected row - the array is orderd by index 0 is first clicked item, index 0 is second clicked item,..

Style variables

table-font-color Defines the font color for the Table
table-bg-color Defines the Table Background color
table-header-bg-color Defines the Backgrlound Color for the Header - can be the same as the Table Background or different for contrast
table-bg-second-color Defines the color for things like buttons and search bar.
table-bg-second-color-hover Defines the color for things that use the second color and can be interacted with - will show this color when hovered over
table-accent-color Defines the Accent color used for highlighting areas in the table